Friday, November 9, 2007


Like a contagious thing. You see one person happy then you feel that you wanna be happy too. =) There are some things that can just ruin absolutley everything like making mistakes of your own or people && sometimes little things. But we gotta know that it all happens for a reason and we have to learn from it.There just doesn't need to be sadness forever in your life. I've realized that you just gotta forgive the things && people that need to be forgiven forget the things that need to be forgotten and let go of things you shouldn't hold on to. Its only taking time away from the life you only get to live once. Yeah no one lives a perfect life and we will be sad and angry && sometimes fall but we gotta learn to pick ourselves up and know that the light isn't too far down the road. There really is no need to waste our time by regretting things or being so bitter. Just find the people and things in your life to make you happy! =)